Dicas do jogo Doom 3 para PC. Cheat Codes Bring
up the console with [~] then type any of the following cheat codes:
To enable the console, add +set com_allow Console 1 to your command-line
shortcut for the game. Alternately, you can try using [Ctrl] + [Alt]
+ [~] to bring up the console.
Code: Result: god God Mode noclip No
Clipping Mode notarget Invisibility benchmark Benchmark Game doomhell
Skip All Levels freeze Freeze Everything aviDemo Save Demo in AVI
Format gfxinfo Graphics Card Info give all All Weapons and Ammo give
keys Give All Keys give weapon_machinegun Give Machine Gun give
weapon_shotgun Give Shotgun give weapon_plasmagun Give Plasma Gun give
weapon_bfg Give BFG give weapon_chainsaw Give Chainsaw give
weapon_rocketlauncher Give Rocket Launcher status Your Game Status quit
Quit Game com_drawfps 1 Show FPS toggle pm_thirdperson 3rd Person
View map # Load Map # (See List) spawn # Spawn # (See List)
Zombie: monster_zombie_bernie Chainsaw Zombie: monster_zombie_sawyer Z-sec
Zombie with machine gun: monster_zsec_machinegun Z-sec Zombie with
pistol: monster_zsec_pistol Z-sec Zombie with shield:
monster_zombie_zsec_shield Z-sec Zombie with shotgun:
monster_zsec_shotgun Commando Zombie: monster_zombie_commando Commando
Zombie with Chaingun: monster_zombie_commando_cgun Fat Zombie:
monster_zombie_fat2 Fat Zombie with wrench: monster_zombie_fat_wrench Bald
Zombie: monster_zombie_maint_bald Zombie with no jaw:
monster_zombie_maint_nojaw Zombie with Wrench:
monster_zombie_maint_wrench Skinny Zombie:
monster_zombie_maint_skinny Zombie: monster_zombie_maint Zombie:
monster_zombie_maint2 Zombie wth Flashlight: monster_zombie_
maint_flashlight Headless Zombie: monster_zombie_suit_neckstump Zombie:
monster_zombie_suit_bloodymouth Skinny Zombie:
monster_zombie_suit_skinny Zombie in Labcoat: monster_zombie_labcoat Zombie
Missing Limb: monster_zombie_limb Zombie: monster_zombie_skinny Zombie
with a pipe: monster_zombie_pipe Zombie in T-shirt:
monster_zombie_tshirt_bald Zombie: monster_zombie_tshirt_blown Zombie
in Jumpsuit: monster_zombie_jumpsuit Zombie Eating:
monster_zombie_jumpsuit_eating Archvile: monster_demon_archvile Cherub:
monster_demon_cherub Hellknight: monster_demon_hellknight Imp:
monster_demon_imp Maggot: monster_demon_maggot Mancubus:
monster_demon_mancubus Pinky: monster_demon_pinky Revenant:
monster_demon_revenant Tick: monster_demon_tick Trite:
monster_demon_trite Wraith: monster_demon_wraith Cyberdemon:
monster_boss_cyberdemon Gaurdian: monster_boss_guardian Guardian’s
Seeker: monster_boss_guardian_seeker Sabaoth: monster_boss_sabaoth Vagary:
monster_boss_Vagary Adrenaline Power-up: powerup_adrenaline Megahealth
Power-up: powerup_megahealth Invisibility Power-up:
Unlock PDA's and Videos Bring up the
console using [CTRL] + [ALT] + [~], then type any of the following
give pda admin_banks give pda admin_dorweiler give
pda admin_moses give pda admin_simons give pda alphalabs1_berger give
pda alphalabs1_krietman give pda alphalabs1_lipsitz give pda
alphalabs1_smith give pda alphalabs2_chin give pda
alphalabs2_connors give pda alphalabs3_abrams give pda
alphalabs3_lamia give pda alphalabs3_nelson give pda
alphalabs3_poota give pda alphalabs4_kaczynski give pda
caverns1_cody give pda comm1_blake give pda comm1_finch give
pda comm1_wolfe give pda comm1_wolfe give pda commoutside_holiday give
pda commoutside_ridge give pda cpu_bates give pda cpu_haskell give
pda cpuboss_tooloose give pda delta1_mora give pda delta1_price give
pda delta2a_cinders give pda delta2a_raleigh give pda
delta2a_wilson give pda delta2b_bullman give pda delta2b_erikson give
pda delta2b_mcneil give pda delta2b_stemmons give pda
delta3_cerano give pda delta3_lee give pda delta3_shultz give
pda delta4_gilbert give pda delta5_jackson give pda delta5_swann give
pda enpro_chasar give pda enpro_hammer give pda enpro_raad give
pda hell_garlick give pda hell_hebert give pda marscity2_caseon give
pda marscity2_duncan give pda marscity2_stanton give pda
marscity2_tyson give pda mc1_berneche give pda
mcunderground_baston give pda mcunderground_delahue give pda
mcunderground_ryan give pda mcunderground_young give pda
monorail_cullen give pda monorail_harding give pda
monorail_hollies give pda monorail_ross give pda recycling1_garza give
pda recycling1_sadowayj give pda recycling2_johnson give pda
recycling2_moen give pda site3_davis give pda site3_rogers give
video epd - Download Video disk with content give video hydrocon give
video mfs give video bfg give video chaingun give video
demon_museum give video ian_report give video ipn_news give
video plasmagun give video recycling give video soulcube give
video tablets
Go Beserk Bring up the console using [CTRL] +
[ALT] + [~], then type: give beserk.
Unlock Nightmare Difficulty Open
your doomconfig.cfg file with Notepad and change the line: